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1. General

The Association will organise a club handicap competition annually to be played on a knock-out basis. Clubs will be handicapped by the Executive Committee on the results from the previous summer's League results. New club entering the competition for the first time will be handicapped at the discretion of the Executive Committee.Handicapping will take form of number of games added to a team's games score; ties will be decided on which team has the highest aggregate games for score. The requirements and rules set out on our Registration and Summer Rules pages apply equally to Yorkshire Cup except where specific rules are introduced below.

2. The Draw

The draw for the event will be made by the Executive Committee after handicaps have been allotted and before the start of the season. Each affiliated club of the Association will be entered into the competition. A club wishing to withdraw must notify the Executive Committee. The team drawn first in round 1 and the semi final will be responsible for arranging the venue of the match. The team drwan second in the quarter finals will be responsible for arranging the venue of the match. The dates and times of each round will be determined by the Executive Committee when summer league fixtures are decided. Provided both teams agree, fixture dates may be changed to be played within the designated week. If clubs wish to rearrange outside of this week, Executive Committee agreement is required.

3. Team Composition and order of play

Teams for the event shall consist of two ladies and two men.
The fixture shall be one ladies'double,one men's double and four mixed doubles sets in which the first man and first lady, and also the second man and second lady of each team shall play together. Sets will be 7 point tie break at 6-all. The order of play on two courts shall be :-
Round 1 Mens and Ladies Doubles
Round 2 First mixed v Second mixed pairs.
Round 3 First v First and Second v Second mixed pairs.

4. Player Registration

For this event, players may play for any one club of which they are bona fide members, irrespective of their status in any League team.
In the semi - final and final matches all MUST have played in at least FOUR N&DLTA League matches or Yorkshire Cup rounds in the current season.

5 Determination of a tie

Where a draw results after completing the normal six sets and adding the handicaps, then the determination of the winning team shall be decided in the following manner:-
All pairs of the mixed teams of each club will change partners forming two new mixed pairs for each club.One mixed pair from each club will play four further games and the remaining mixed pairs will play five further games, the fifth game being a tie-break game to 7 points irrespective of the score after the first four games are completed. Which pair for each club that plays four or five games will be decided by a toss of a coin or racquet.Whichever club wins more of these additional nine games wins the tie.
Results, including player names should be emailed to the fixture secretary within 48hrs of the match who will then update and upload latest version of the draw to the website.

To contact the fixtures secretary use the form from this web site


If you have a query that is not related to the date of fixtures, or if you wish to bring some other issue to the attention of committee you can email us on If your query requires a response please provide as much information as possible including your full name, club and contact information.