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1 The Association shall be called the NEWBURY AND DISTRICT LAWN TENNIS ASSOCIATION.
2. The Objects of the Association shall be:-
(a) To organize and control the Newbury and District Lawn Tennis League and such other competitions and events as shall be deemed necessary.
(b) To advance the interests of Lawn Tennis players under its control in every way possible.
(c) To employ the funds of the Association in a manner as shall be deemed for the best interests of the game.
(d) To affiliate to the Berks LTA.
(e) Generally to advance and safeguard the interests of the game within its control.
3. The Association shall consist of duly affiliated clubs and players playing lawn tennis in accordance with the Laws and Regulations as laid down by the LTA.
(a) The Officers of the Association shall be Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and Fixture Secretary, who shall be elected at the A.G.M. The President and Vice-Presidents shall be appointed by invitation of the General Committee.
(b) The Control of the Association shall be vested in the General Committee consisting of members of the Executive Committee who shall be elected at the A.G.M. and one representative from each club.
(c) The Affairs of the Association shall be managed by an Executive Committee consisting of the officers, ex-officio, and seven other persons elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.
(d) The Presidents and Vice-Presidents and Life Members shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of a Personal Member of the Association. The Annual Subscriptions payable by Presidents and Vice-Presidents shall be £2.10 and £1.05 respectively.
(e) An A.G.M. shall be held at which only the retiring officers, retiring Members of the Executive Committee and two representatives from each of the registered Clubs in the past season, shall be allowed to vote.
(f) Two weeks notice shall be given of the A.G.M. Any proposal to change the Rules of the Association must reach the Secretary in writing by 15th September in order that due notice may be sent to clubs. Ten members shall form a quorum for the A.G.M.
(g) (1) The Rules of the Association shall not be changed or rescinded except at an A.G.M. or at an Extraordinary General Meeting. A majority in excess of the opposition of one third of the votes cast shall be necessary to carry an amendment. An Extraordinary General Meeting will be called at the request of three Clubs of the Association.
(2) Once the aforesaid rules have been altered, amended or rescinded, pursuant to the provisions of the foregoing sub-rule, they shall be applied and observed as though they had been made in such altered, amended or rescinded state at the inception of the Association and whether or not the subject matter falling for determination thereby occurred before such alteration amendment or revision.
(h) Seven members shall form a quorum for a General Committee Meeting. Any point not covered by these rules shall be decided by the General Committee whose decision shall be final.
(i) Four members shall form a quorum for an Executive Committee Meeting. The Executive Committee shall have power to co-opt such members as its business shall require, and to appoint sub-committees as may be considered necessary.
(1) All protests and complaints must reach the Hon Secretary in writing and in duplicate on or before the seventh day following the incident causing the complaint. The matter shall be considered by the Executive Committee, whose decision shall be final, subject to the right of appeal to the General Committee. Each protest must be accompanied by a deposit of £5 which may be forfeited if the Executive Committee so decides.
(2) The General Committee may, after consideration of the decision of the Executive Committee, refer back to the Executive Committee any matter referred to them for appeal once only for a reconsideration of the facts of the matter in which event the decision of the Executive Committee shall be final and nothing herein shall require that the constitution of the Executive Committee shall be similar to that which made the original decision.
(k) Appeals from the decision of the Executive Committee to the General Committee must be made to the Hon Secretary before the seventh day after the date on which the Executive Committee's decision was posted, together with a deposit of £5 unless this is already in the hands of the Executive Committee. No fresh deposit is required but that deposited with the Executive Committee shall be retained pending a decision by the General Committee.
(a) The Association, acting by its Executive Committee, is empowered to suspend or expel from the Association or any participation in any competition or league organized or run under the auspices of the Association (regardless of the stage at which the same had reached at the time of any complaint to or the decision of the Executive Committee or the General Committee hearing an appeal therefrom) any officer or personal member or member club of the Association for as long as and on whatever terms as the Executive Committee shall think fit and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing the Executive Committee shall be entitled to apply any such remedy in dealing with any complaint or protest brought before it.
(b) The Executive Committee is empowered to refuse the entry of any club or team participating in any competition organized or run under the auspices of the Association without assigning any reason therefore and to direct the General Committee not to accept the same (and the General Committee not to accept such direction) where it relates to the entry of clubs or teams, over which the General Committee has control, to any competition
(c) Any decision of the Executive Committee shall be by a simple majority and in the event that votes cast by members of that Committee shall result in a tie the Chairperson (who shall be appointed before each Committee Meeting from one of its membership and providing that including such a person, a quorum shall be formed) shall have a casting vote.
(d) Neither the Executive Committee nor the General Committee (on appeal from a decision of the Executive Committee) shall be obliged to give any reason for their decisions but if they do so such reason or reasons shall be given in writing to the officer, personal member, or member club affected by such decision.
(e) In reaching any decision with regard to the possible suspension or expulsion of any such person or club as is mentioned in the foregoing sub-rules the Executive Committee shall ask for representations in writing from all parties or entities which it reasonably considers may be able to assist it in reaching a decision on the matter before it and shall set a date in so doing by which it would expect to receive such representation and after which it may at its sole discretion, ignore.
a Apr 95

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If you have a query that is not related to the date of fixtures, or if you wish to bring some other issue to the attention of committee you can email us on If your query requires a response please provide as much information as possible including your full name, club and contact information.