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Winter rules


1. Clubs are required to be affiliated to the Newbury and District Lawn Tennis Association. A minimum of three players must belong to the club entering the team. Non-members may participate but may only play for a maximum of two clubs per season. Up to two players may also be substituted for rounds two and three. They must be substituted in round two and player combinations cannot change for round three.

Match and team composition

2. Each match will consist of eight sets made up as below. 7 point tie-breaks will come into operation at six-all in each set.
The order of play will be : -
Round 1 (two sets)
Mens home v Mens Away. Ladies home v Ladies Away.
Round 2 (one set)
Mixed Home first pair v Mixed Away second pair.
Mixed Home second pair v Mixed Away first pair.
Round 3 (one set)
Mixed Home first pair v Mixed Away first pair.
Mixed Home second pair v Mixed Away second pair.
3. No fewer than four new balls per court shall be provided by the home Club for each match, of a make approved by The ITFTC (International Tennis Federation Technical Committee). Each club shall ensure that there are serviceable centre tapes on each court used and that there is a measuring stick available for setting the correct net height.
5. Should any player be absent when called upon to play and remain absent for 15 minutes, the first set must be conceded 6-0. If he/she is still absent after a further 15 minutes then the second set must also be conceded 6-0.

Result determination

6. Two points for a win and one point each for a draw, determined along the lines of ladies summer league rules except for nominations. If at the end of the season there is a tie, the number of sets for and then games for will decide.
7. In the event of a match being abandoned by reason of weather after one round is completed, whether or not a winner is known, the result of this round stands as the match result. If for the same reason, a match is not started, or has to be abandoned before one round is complete, the match should be replayed at the earliest opportunity and the Fixture secretary informed of the new date.
8. The Captain of the winning side (or the Home team Captain in the event of a draw) shall be responsible for forwarding the result of each tie, either on a score card provided by the Home Captain, duly completed and signed by both captains or using the web match recording facility. Results must be received by the Fixtures Secretary or posted on the web site within 48 hours of the match being played. Failure to do so may be punished by loss of points.


9. In the event of a clash of fixtures necessitating a rearrangement, clubs must fulfil their AWAY fixtures and rearrange their home matches in co-operation with their opponent's team organiser. Summer league rescheduling rules apply..

Scheduling and league composition

10. The league numbers and composition will be determined by the fixtures secretary, in agreement with the Executive Committee. However, no team will, play more than 10 matches in a season.

To contact the fixtures secretary use the form from this web site


If you have a query that is not related to the date of fixtures, or if you wish to bring some other issue to the attention of committee you can email us on If your query requires a response please provide as much information as possible including your full name, club and contact information.