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1. The Annual Subscription shall be £10.00 per club to include automatic entry into the Yorkshire Cup, with an additional fee of £7.00 for each team entered in the Summer Leagues, £5.00 for Winter Leagues. Each club shall, in addition, deposit with the Association a guarantee fee of £25.00 which shall be returnable on the club's withdrawal from the Association, provided that all obligations have been fulfilled. These subscriptions may be changed to correspond with alterations in affiliation fees, without any amendment to these rules.
2. No club shall be allowed to compete in a competition until its' Guarantee Fee, Form of Information fully completed, together with Club and Team Subscriptions for the current season have been received by the Association.
3. New Clubs shall not be admitted to the Association until their application has been approved by the Executive Committee. The entry or expulsion of Clubs will require a vote in excess of opposition of one half of the members voting.
4. Should a team withdraw from a competition during the season, no fees shall be returnable and their results shall be deleted. If the Executive Committee so decides, withdrawal may be considered as an offence.
5. Prior to the commencement of the season, Clubs entering two teams in the Mixed or Men's Competitions must nominate four players (two ladies and two men or four men) who are expected to fill four of the six positions in the first team. Clubs entering two teams in the Ladies Competition must nominate three players for their first team. Clubs entering three teams in any competition must nominate a further four players (three for Ladies) and so on.

6. Nominated players must each play a minimum of 4 team matches and are ineligible for any lower team matches in that competition unless previous permission has been given by the Executive Committee.A 1 point penalty per 1 match shortfall per nominated player will be deducted from any teams points total at end of season for failure of nominated players reaching their 4 game minimum target.Teams may change nominated players during the course of the season by agreement with the Fixtures Secretary, but the same rules will apply to them, most notably that they have not played down in the season and meet the minimum 4 match rule by the end of it
7. If a player plays more than three times in higher ranked teams or divisions he/she will be ineleigible to play any further matches for the lower team for remainder of season. ‘Playing up’ applies also to nominated players but these players may not play in a lower team or division than that for which they are nominated.

8. No player shall play for more than one Club in each type of League Division. A player may be transferred to another club by permission of the Executive Committee.
9. Each player shall be a fully paid-up member of the Club which he/she is representing, and shall play for only one team in any particular type of league division. He/she shall be allowed to play for different clubs in different types of divisions.
10. For offences against any Rule concerning the registration of Clubs and the nomination of players, the Executive Committee shall have the power to award any matches won by the offending club or player to the opposing team or to deduct points from the offending team.
Dec 09

To contact the fixtures secretary use the form from this web site


If you have a query that is not related to the date of fixtures, or if you wish to bring some other issue to the attention of committee you can email us on If your query requires a response please provide as much information as possible including your full name, club and contact information.