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Rescheduling protocol for bad weather

Matches called off due to bad weather need to be rescheduled by agreement between both captains. The summer season is usually extended till end of August to open up dates to do this. For any matches not played by close of season the fixture secretary will apply a 2 points deduction to each team involved in each and every unplayed match.

For teams that feel aggrieved with this course of action because their captain feels their attempt to reschedule was frustrated by the other captains unreasonable behaviour, their captain may appeal to the executive committee to have its 2 points penalty reversed.

In deciding whether to accept an appeal , the committee gives no weight to excuses that players were on holiday or injured as being reasonable reasons not to agree a date. The home team captain should offer the first date available that corrresponds to the team's usually home day and start time, court availability permitting and offer this to the opposition. The away captain should accept the date providing its club does not have another match that clashes directly with the proposed date which calls upon a player that would have been selected or the away team already has a competitive NDLTA match scheduled in the same week that a player is involved in. If this happens then the captains should settle on the following week or the first available free week. There is no need for captains to canvass players for availability due to holidays, injuries or other commitments.

The date of the rescheduled match should be notified to fixture secretary so that the date on the website can be amended.

To contact the fixtures secretary use the form from this web site


If you have a query that is not related to the date of fixtures, or if you wish to bring some other issue to the attention of committee you can email us on If your query requires a response please provide as much information as possible including your full name, club and contact information.